Multi-bucket investing


Your client’s goals may be tied to different time frames (e.g. creating an emergency fund, saving for a down payment, saving enough for retirement, etc.), and these goals probably need their own allocations. But do you want to open separate accounts for each of these goals?


FLD’s multi-bucket feature allows you to open one account and invest portions of that account in different allocations. You determine how an account's current dollars are allocated — for example, $10k can go into the Emergency fund bucket, $25k can go into the Down payment bucket, and the rest can go into the Retirement bucket (and each bucket can have its own allocation!). You also get to designate how much of your future deposits should go toward each bucket.


This decreases the number of accounts and paperwork needed for each client. It can also decrease or eliminate small account fees. The multi-bucket feature is a “set it and forget it” type of thing: once you establish your parameters, FLD takes care of the rest.

How to:

Watch the video above to see how to invest portions of an account in different allocations.

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