Symplany One vs. Symplany Pro: What’s the Difference?

Symplany offers two robust platforms for managing investments: Symplany One and Symplany Pro. While both support portfolio management, they are designed for different client needs.

  • Symplany One is a hybrid TAMP program focused solely on trading, making it ideal for clients actively growing their wealth. It offers streamlined investment management, tax-loss harvesting, and a high level of flexibility.
  • Symplany Pro, on the other hand, is a Plan-Driven investing framework that integrates financial planning with portfolio management. This platform is more suitable for clients nearing or in retirement, as it aligns portfolio recommendations with the client’s overall financial plan.

Key Features of Symplany One:

  1. Hybrid TAMP: Designed to streamline strategies while at the same time offering a greater degree of freedom.
  2. Tax Efficiency: Includes automated tax-loss harvesting and the ability to work around external holdings.
  3. Compliance: Firm-managed models and a built-in trading rules engine keeps your practice running smooth.
Account page
Client education tools

Key Features of Symplany Pro:

All the benefits of Symplany One, plus...

  1. Plan-Driven Investing: Incorporates the client’s financial plan to determine optimal portfolio recommendations.
  2. Better meetings: Integration between the plan and the portfolio fosters the right kind of conversations: goal-focused and planning-driven
  3. Symplany Indicator℠: Helps clients visualize the portfolio's ability to support the plan.
Annual bucket strategy
Portfolio projections

Which Should You Choose?

  • Symplany One is perfect if you’re managing younger clients focused on building wealth through efficient portfolio strategies.
  • Symplany Pro is a better fit if your clients need Plan-Driven Investing, particularly for retirement or goal-driven investing.

Program comparison

  Symplany One Symplany Pro
Program fee (all in) 35 bps, declining 45 bps, declining
Typical clientele Younger (accumulators) Older (decumulators)
Plan-driven portfolio allocations No Yes
Multi-bucket investing Yes No
Annual bucket strategy No Yes
Symplany indicator (i.e. confidence score) No Yes
Work around existing holdings Yes Yes
Discretion* Firm only Advisor (or none)
Automatic trading* Yes No
Requires a Spectrum IA account Yes Yes

*Symplany One is the software NSRG uses to manages its firm-limited discretion (FLD) program. Symplany One accounts are traded automatically by the firm. Symplany Pro accounts calculate your trades and generate a .CSV file that you upload into My Advice Architect®.

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