AdviceWorks® - Complete the MAA Goal Modification

Converting an existing Core IA account (e.g. Spectrum, Freedom, etc.) to FLD requires three tasks:

  1. Create a new account in Symplany℠ One
  2. Modify the strategy in My Advice Architect® (MAA)
  3. Complete the MAA Goal Modification in AdviceWorks® (AW)

**If you're looking to open a new FLD account, click here.**

NSInvestments can help answer any account opening questions you have.

⚠️ Visit AW to find the most up-to-date help documentation on how to complete a MAA Goal Modification request.

The search box in AdviceWorks®

Step 1. Pull up the client in AdviceWorks and click MAA Goal Modification

From here, you'll continue to follow the AW prompts, including:

Step 2. Import Goal Modification

Step 3. Select Goal Modification and click Add Goal Modification

Step 4. Click Complete Case

Step 5. Click Edit to verify SIS signers

Step 6. Click Verify Signers

Step 7. Request Advisor Attestation

This completes the MAA Goal Modification request in AdviceWorks (AW) to generate client signatures. Once signed by the advisor(s) and client(s), Cetera will process your request to flag this account as FLD.

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